We're Here To Help
Visit Jane, Andrea or Ashlee in the pharmacy for training on how to use glucometers and helpful tips for newly diagnosed diabetics.

- Need to be fitted or order diabetic shoes?
- Ashlee will be able to assist you!
Step 1
- Print out
- this order form
Step 2
Take the order form to your physician or doctor for a complete exam
Step 3
Bring the form to us at the pharmacy to order your shoes
For your convenience:
- We perform an assessment and individually fit shoes for each patient
- Our heat moldable inserts offer superior comfort
- We bill Medicare
In addition to diabetic footwear, we also offer the following to meet diabetic patient needs:
- Sugar free cough syrup
- Glucose tablets
- Glucometers
- Lancets
- Testing Strips
- Sharps containers
- Alcohol swabs
- Diabetic skin care